Even after they’ve moved on to new opportunities, every Avantee leaves their mark on our culture. Britt, we’re proud of everything we did together and we know you’ll keep thriving! You’re in the Avant Alumni Club for life.
Nupur Patel
Former Director for the Compliance team
With Avant 2014-2023
What’s it like to work @Avant? We asked Nupur for her take on our culture, and here’s what she said:
1. How would you describe Avant’s culture?
Avant’s culture is defined by its people—one of the reasons I have been with the company for almost 8 years is because I genuinely enjoy the wonderful people I work with. Who we are shapes how it feels to work here, and we are welcoming, fun, and collaborative. We trust each other to get sh!t done—we’re all building toward the same goal, all focused on solving problems together and helping each other grow. There is a sense that we rely on each other and trust each other to deliver, and there is no shortage of team players. Finally, one of my favorite aspects of our culture is the way we come together and celebrate, both in-person prior to the pandemic and now virtually, as well as (safely) in-person when we can. We are a bunch of smart, motivated people who are having fun and building long-lasting professional relationships along the way.
2. Why are you happy/successful here?
I attribute a lot of my success to being a hard worker. I’m focused, I stay organized, and I get sh!t done. And I’m not just a hard worker at my own job—I also prioritize building relationships across the company. I make an effort to get to know people on teams that I don’t work with regularly, so that eventually, when it comes down to the wire, I’ve already developed the personal relationships that make it possible to get the job done. That has made me more successful at Avant: my ability to internally network and get to know my peers, my seniors, my juniors. And if I see a person on a team that’s struggling with something, I like to be the first to say “hey, how can I help you with this?” or “I’ve seen this before and here’s how we handled it.” Even if it’s outside of my scope, I am always willing to help out.
3. What’s a superpower that you get to apply at your job?
My superpower that I apply every day is my insanely good memory. I remember things that happened years ago, at Avant or in my life in general, and they always come in handy whenever there’s a crunch-time question. On top of that, I’m extremely resourceful, and those two things have made it easy for me to solve problems. If a teammate asks for help figuring something out, I can jump in like “I know exactly what folder that’s in!“ or “I know what you’re talking about, we had this conversation 3 years ago and I still have my notes on it.” I just have an exceptional memory! It’s helped me become a go-to person at Avant for those weird questions that nobody else will know. I actually love being the person everyone can go to for that stuff.
4. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
My mom was a medical secretary, so that was the first thing I wanted to be. Then I wanted to be president. Then I saw The Little Mermaid and I wanted to be a mermaid. But let’s go with “President.”